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CofE (Controlled) Primary School

Embracing Equality. Experiencing Excellence.

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"This school is at the heart of its community."

A warm welcome to Wolvey CofE Primary School. We are so glad you have found our on-line home and trust you can find the information you need quickly and simply. We always welcome visits to the school and our approachable office staff are standing by to help in any way they can.


As a school, we are totally committed to the safety, welfare and education of your child. To achieve this, we believe that working within a clear, positive and mutually supportive partnership between home and school is absolutely essential. Our strong desire is to equip your child for a future we can currently only dream of. This means providing them with the knowledge they need to be able to thrive, the skills they need to be able to succeed and the values they need in order to become sociable citizens of of our society.


We are proud that our passionate team of dedicated staff share this commitment and work tirelessly to ensure a clear curriculum demonstrates progression, rigour and command which is continually measured and monitored by the impact it is having.


Our values and ethos is based upon those historically promoted by the Church of England. Our proud Christian heritage and distinctiveness sets us apart whilst sitting comfortably alongside the 21st century values of inclusiveness, tolerance and respect.


Our school is run by human beings who invest time, energy, passion and pride into their work. As such, from time to time we may get things wrong. We highly value those who work with us and who make us aware of areas in which we can improve, but who do so within the same framework of values with which we seek to operate.


We would be delighted to have you partner with us and look forward to meeting you in the near future.


(Mr Andrew J Edwards - Executive Headteacher)

Mr Parker with our Head boy and girl - Alex and Archie

Mr Parker - Head of School


Welcome to our community school. My name is Mr Matthew Parker and this September, I will be entering my 4th year as Head of School. My vision is to lead a school where it is at the heart of the community and we are extension of your own family. We are incredibly proud to have a really unique and rare community where we all work and learn together in perfect harmony.

I am obsessive in ensuring your children get the very best possible start to their school journey and will work tirelessly to ensure they leave our school as real ambassadors for our community.


In June 2023, our school was judged as a GOOD school. We were also judged to be OUTSTANDING in our behaviours and attitudes. 


This is a quote from our report: 

'This school is at the heart of its community. Pupils are very happy. They feel safe and well cared for. The school serves a diverse community including families from military backgrounds, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities and families from local villages. Leaders ensure that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), and their families feel welcomed and included in school life. Leaders have high expectations of all their pupils.'


We can't wait to meet you and show you around our fantastic school! 



All our material on the website is available as a paper copy. To request anything, please contact Mrs Wiggins on 01455 220279.

A very important member of our school is Wolvey!

Wolvey the Wolf


Meet Wolvey:


Wolvey always WORKS HARD and has OUTSTANDING BEHAVIOUR. He especially like to LEARN NEW THINGS and always shows FRIENDSHIP AND KINDNESS to other people around him.


Wolvey represents the values we aspire for every pupil at school to be like. These values are then celebrated around school and in class and assemblies. Wolvey is available in every classroom and he especially like his tummy being rubbed!


Make sure you look out for Wolvey when you walk around our school. 

Wolvey School Values

Wolvey Theologically-rooted Christian Vision

50 things to do before you leave Wolvey C of E Primary School.

Welcome to Wolvey C of E Primary School.


From 1st September 2018 Wolvey School became part of the newly formed 'Ignite federation' alongside The Revel Primary School in Monks Kirby. Mr Edwards, (previously the Headteacher at The Revel) was appointed as the Executive Head of the federation. 

In September 2021, Mr Parker took up the position of Head of School.


We do hope this website gives you a flavour of our school.  We are a very special and unique school with incredible children and passionate staff who ALL deserve the absolute best and we pride ourselves on our inclusive nature welcoming all children from different backgrounds and communities. 

Everything we strive for is underpinned by our Church of England ethos and our Christian Values.


We look forward to welcoming you to our school and showing you all we have to offer.

Contact the school office and have a chat or book to come and look round


Nepalese families


We are really proud to have a sound relationship with our children and families that live at our local military base.


We have over 30% of our children that come to school via a coach each morning. We are proud to have Mrs Rai and Mrs Reed as Learning Support Assistants who work closely with our families. All of our Nepalese children participate in a 6-week mental well-being course each academic year. 


Our Gypsy, Roma Traveller community (GRT)


We are proud to work with our GRT families who live in our community. We have a close relationship with our families and our education at Wolvey can lead to acceptance and greater understanding of cultural differences by both Gypsy, Roma and Travellers and non-Travellers. We currently educate over 25% of all GRT children in Warwickshire. 


Education for our GRT children means enhanced life choices and skills. Our welcoming and encouraging school improves children's attendance and progress in school work and does help our GRT children acquire the skills vital for everyday life.


Each year we celebrate GRT month at Leek Wooten HQ.

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