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CofE (Controlled) Primary School

Embracing Equality. Experiencing Excellence.

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"Leaders.....have created a broad curriculum that meets their pupils’ needs and encourages them to love learning. Leaders have planned the curriculum carefully" (Ofsted, June 2023)

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50 things to do before you leave Wolvey C of E Primary School.


Intent, Implementation and Impact of our curriculum


Curriculum Intent


At Wolvey C of E Primary School, all of our children receive a rich and ambitious curriculum, where pupils are given meaningful, real-life experiences across core and foundation subjects. We aim for a comprehensive range of provision to develop pupils as ethically informed citizens, to develop their understanding of spiritual and moral issues, to support them with mental and physical health and to develop a culture where equality and diversity are celebrated and embraced. 

Our progressive curriculum is carefully planned and sequenced to ensure pupils gain the knowledge, skills and vocabulary required for future learning and the cultural capital they need to be successful in the wider world.

Staff ensure that all children develop a love of learning and that pupils at all levels achieve their full potential. Our curriculum is adapted and personalised to meet the needs of our SEND pupils, who receive the support needed to develop fluency and independence. Our more able pupils are given the opportunity to expand their knowledge across the curriculum.



Curriculum Implementation


Our broad and balanced curriculum is regularly reviewed and enables children to develop knowledge and skills in all areas of their learning.  English and Maths lessons take place on a daily basis. 

In Maths, we use the White Rose Mastery schemes of work and Mastering Number in EYFS/KS1. 

In English, teachers use high quality texts as a stimulus for developing reading, writing, SPaG and oracy skills.  

Foundation subject learning is based around a half termly topic with a Geography or History focus.  We are beginning to use Knowledge organisers to ensure that humanities knowledge and vocabulary is taught with clear progression across the school, whilst building on prior knowledge.

Each subject leader develops a yearly action plan, which contributes towards the design of our wider curriculum, along with feedback from pupil and parent questionnaires.

All of our pupils receive a rich, diverse curriculum taught from passionate teachers and some specialist provision including visiting artists, musicians and sports coaches.  


Curriculum Impact


The impact of our curriculum is that by the time pupils leave Wolvey C of E, they have achieved their full potential and celebrate a culture where diversity and equality are embraced. They will be a successful part of our community. 

We measure impact in a range of ways and always take into account pupils varying starting points.  Teachers track pupil progress throughout the year, academically, against age related expectations.  Regular moderation ensures quality assurance of teacher judgements.  We use Jigsaw as a scheme of work to support emotional and social development. This is as much a priority to us as their academic progress.

In addition to quantitative data, we measure the impact of our curriculum through pupil and parent questionnaires.  Our last parent questionnaire confirmed that 96.8% of parents felt that our curriculum had lots of opportunities to support and encourage their child's personal development.





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