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Welcome to our homework page. Here you will find information about the sort of homework that is expected each week from your child. In addition, you will find links to the online platforms we subscribe to for your child to use and "How To Guides" on how to complete activities. We hope you find this page useful!
Schools provide homework for a variety of reasons. At Wolvey Primary, we believe that regular opportunities to undertake homework can benefit our pupils for the following reasons:
We are aware that, for many families, homework can feel like an extra chore, which inevitably defeats the main purpose: to demonstrate that learning can be fun! We want our parents and carers to feel as confident as our pupils about what is expected for each class. With this in mind, we have put together some helpful pointers:
Expectations At Wolvey
We expect our pupils to complete the homework, which is set for them each week. Obviously, we understand that occasionally family life can be very busy and a week might be missed, but if the children are not at least reading regularly at home, this will have a detrimental affect on their education. We want the very best for your children!
When homework is handed in, an adult will acknowledge the work your child has done, whether it be a comment, a smiley face or a sticker ~ something that will encourage your child to keep trying hard.
Homework In Reception & KS1
The priority in KS1 is helping and encouraging the children to be able to read fluently. This is is key for their development and success, not only academically but also in the wider world.
Book Bag Books ~ Each week, your child will bring home a reading book that is linked to the phonic level they are currently working at in school. They should be reading every night, either independently, or preferably with an adult, who can ask questions to test their understanding and explain the meaning behind new vocabulary.
Reading should be logged in the children's Reading Records. We aim for at least 3 reads a week as a minimum. Reading Records are checked each week and new books handed out. Stickers and rewards are used as incentives.
Reading For Pleasure Books ~ Your child will be issued a reading for pleasure book every week. They might not be able to read this book; it is for sharing and enjoying with family at home. The children will enjoy having the story read to them or simply being given the opportunity to explore the pictures. Reading For Pleasure is incredibly important for lots of different reasons and we highly recommend that you read with, or to your child, from a young age.
RWI Online EBook Library ~ Your child has a login to the RWI Ebook Library, which can be found in the front of their reading record. This is the book that they have been studying with the teacher in school. It also includes a short quiz to be completed. It is really beneficial for them to be practising the sounds that they have learnt in class, as it helps to cement the learning and embed the sounds.
Spelling Shed Homework ~ Spelling Shed is a fun, game-based app, which can also be played free online, that provides children the opportunity to consolidate their phonics knowledge. Each child will have their own login, which can be found in their reading records. They can log into the phonics section of the website, where they can play games based upon the sounds they have been learning recently. This should be done on a regular basis to help them become fluent with the sounds, necessary for reading.
Homework In KS2
In KS2, we continue to prioritise reading as it is so intrinsic to the ability to learn. The children also have spelling and mathematics homework to complete each week. Sometimes, teachers will also issue homework that is related to the topic the children are exploring in class, to help deepen their understanding.
Reading Homework ~ All children in KS2 are expected to read at least 3 times a week, outside of school. This can be independent or to an adult at home. Reading practise is crucial in helping improve their fluency and helping them become confident readers. In some cases, the children will have 2 books: a reading for pleasure book and a reading scheme book tailored to their level of ability. Parents need to sign their child's reading record every week to show that their child has read a minimum of 3 times.
Spelling Shed Homework ~ Spelling Shed is a fun, game-based app, which can also be played free online, that provides children the opportunity to consolidate their weekly spellings. Each child will have their own login, which can be found in their reading records. Every week, teachers will upload spellings, differentiated to your child's ability, which they need to learn by playing the games assigned as homework. This should be done on a regular basis. We have a competition across the school and every Friday, during Achievement Assembly, the Top 10 Spellers for that week are announced and a trophy is awarded to our number one speller!
Times Table Rockstars Multiplication Homework ~ For the children to be successful in Maths, it is crucial that they are fluent in their recall of the multiplication facts, which underpin so many mathematical concepts ~ for example, fractions, division, etc. TT Rock Stars, an online app, allows the children to practise their times tables through a competitive element. As the teacher, we can set the times tables, which we want the children to be able to access. Your child should be using the TT Rock Stars app on a regular basis as part of their school homework. Those who obtain a high score, are added to our wall of fame and mentioned in our weekly Achievement Assembly. Your child's log in can be found in the front of their reading record.
Year 6 ~ As well as the homework mentioned above, our Year 6 children are given CGP Maths books, which they are expected to complete work from every week. This work is discussed in class and always relates to what has been taught so that the children have the necessary knowledge needed to complete the exercises. This homework is to support the children in preparing for the SAT tests in May.
Recommended Games For Improving Math Skills
How To Guides For Online Homework
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