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CofE (Controlled) Primary School

Embracing Equality. Experiencing Excellence.

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“We are God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus.”  Ephesians 2.10

What Do We Teach And How?


Here at Wolvey, we believe that Art is an important part of the curriculum, which enables the children to express their thoughts and ideas in a fun and exciting way! Because of it's importance, we invested in a curriculum that was custom designed for our children and school.  Our curriculum design, focuses on drawing and painting skills as a first priority. 


Across all units of work, the children reflect on the work of significant artists throughout history, and use these works as an inspiration for their own art.  Using sketching folders as a working document, every child will embark on a process of evaluating and improving their initial sketches before deciding on a final design.  When creating their final pieces, pupils will utilise the skills and knowledge they have developed over the unit of work. This process is applied across the 5 strands of our art curriculum: Drawing and Painting, Collage, 3D Sculpture, Printing and Textiles.  


Art Skills Progression

Our skills progression ensures that children continually develop and build on the skills that they have gained in previous year groups.  This is a detailed document that is available in school; however, this cannot be published on our school website due to copyright. 

Art Long Term Overview

Art Language Progression

Working Collaboratively With A Local Artist

World Book Day Art Gallery Event ~ March 2024

Art From Home

Please find some links below that will enable you to keep improving your art and design skills at home.  Have fun being creative!

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