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CofE (Controlled) Primary School

Embracing Equality. Experiencing Excellence.

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Year 3

Kingfishers Class

Welcome to Year 3 ~ The Kingfishers! My name is Mrs Harman and I will be teaching alongside Mrs Pritchard, Mrs Rai and Miss Childs, who are our fantastic Learning Support Assistants. 

Through exploring our webpage, you can keep up-to-date with our learning journey, check out our wonderful curriculum and explore subject specific websites to support your children’s learning.


Staff in Year 3

Class Teacher:    Mrs S Harman

Support Staff:     Mrs Pritchard (Class LSA), Miss Childs & Mrs Rai (1to1 Support)


Class Dojo 

We communicate with parents regularly through the Class Story on Class Dojo as we think it is an invaluable way of helping parents to stay informed of what is happening with their children on a day to day basis in school. We also upload children’s work to their Personal Portfolio pages so that they can talk about what they have been doing with their families. Parents and children can also upload things that they have done at home to share with me.  I use the Class Dojo messaging service and am happy to answer simple queries through this, during office hours.


Year 3 Newsletters

Class Timetables

Reading in Year 3

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